SUSTech English II

(Edward Campbell)CLE0222023春 2022秋 2021秋  
2023春 2022秋 2021秋
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:通识必修课 开课单位:语言中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:4.0
SUSTech English II (SE II) is the second course in the Center for Language Education core curriculum. It builds upon the skills introduced in SUSTech English I or further develops skills which students already have. The skills targeted in SUSTech English II will be needed in future courses. The course not only introduces the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for fluent English communication, but also includes cross-cultural skills and language study skills to assist students to have a success in their learning of the content courses instructed in English language. It aims to help students construct their English language knowledge and skills under the guidance of their English teachers, and more importantly through their practice both in class and after class. By the end of the course, their English proficiency should be able to reach the upper intermediate level (CEFR B2/IELTS 5-6/TOEFL 87-100). The writing and presentation included in the assessment aim to develop students’ ability to analyze, criticize, and express ideas concisely in English. The course introduces the essay writing skills at the college level. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to plan, organize and express ideas effectively and in grammatically correct sentences. In the process of preparing and practicing their presentation, student’s effective presentation skills will be developed and their cross-cultural competence can be boosted.

SUSTech English II (SE II) is the second course in the Center for Language Education core curriculum. It builds upon the skills introduced in SUSTech English I or further develops skills which students already have. The skills targeted in SUSTech English II will be needed in future courses. The course not only introduces the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for fluent English communication, but also includes cross-cultural skills and language study skills to assist students to have a success in their learning of the content courses instructed in English language. It aims to help students construct their English language knowledge and skills under the guidance of their English teachers, and more importantly through their practice both in class and after class. By the end of the course, their English proficiency should be able to reach the upper intermediate level (CEFR B2/IELTS 5-6/TOEFL 87-100). The writing and presentation included in the assessment aim to develop students’ ability to analyze, criticize, and express ideas concisely in English. The course introduces the essay writing skills at the college level. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to plan, organize and express ideas effectively and in grammatically correct sentences. In the process of preparing and practicing their presentation, student’s effective presentation skills will be developed and their cross-cultural competence can be boosted.
user avatar   David_Howard     2023春
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多


每周最想上的就是Ted的英语课,他讲课很好,也会确保All involved, 个人感觉会学到很多很多实用的东西,不只是知识。比如写论文的时候的brainstorm,不要plagiarism等等,给分也特别好!我个人是期中考试19.5/20,pre14/15,essay18.5/20。只要用点心就可以拿到很不错的分数!

他讲课很少用课本,枯燥的东西很少,会分享很多有趣的经历,比如自己曾经做过建筑工人,组过乐队,教过文学等等。他个人在学习西班牙语,所以比较理解我们second language learner的苦衷,会放慢语速,所以大家都能听得很清楚,感觉上课多了之后自己的听力也提高力!

有一些地方需要注意,四次迟到会在出勤分里扣除两分,所以尽量不要迟到!迟到的标准是20min以内进教室,否则算缺勤。另外vocabulary quiz需要好好准备,不然有点拉分的。


user avatar   S_L     2023春
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:很多




2、作业很少,似乎是5个很简单的小作文(按时交了基本满分)+ 有时候写写Reading那本书(上课会讲),其他的就是和其他老师一样的任务(essay之类的)作业同比其他老师算比较少啦。


4、给分方面,课前Ted会很清晰地告诉你评分标准,事实证明给分也是完全按照这个标准给的。注意英语二要好好准备vocabulary quiz(好好做练习!)。总体给分比较正常,认真学有A。



user avatar   Tim_Howard     2022秋
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多

强烈推荐!! 人很有趣,课堂基本不会让你分神,而且有很多互动交流环节练习英语,即使你口语一开始不太好他也会耐心听完帮你纠正。作业考试只要认真完成给分也挺好的,基本稳定90往上,想认真锻炼口语的强推!

user avatar   init_admin     2021秋
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:一般


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Edward Campbell


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