SUSTech English II

(Michael Pollock-外聘)CLE0222023秋  
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:通识必修课 开课单位:语言中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:4.0
SUSTech English II (SE II) is the second course in the Center for Language Education core curriculum. It builds upon the skills introduced in SUSTech English I or further develops skills which students already have. The skills targeted in SUSTech English II will be needed in future courses. The course not only introduces the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for fluent English communication, but also includes cross-cultural skills and language study skills to assist students to have a success in their learning of the content courses instructed in English language. It aims to help students construct their English language knowledge and skills under the guidance of their English teachers, and more importantly through their practice both in class and after class. By the end of the course, their English proficiency should be able to reach the upper intermediate level (CEFR B2/IELTS 5-6/TOEFL 87-100). The writing and presentation included in the assessment aim to develop students’ ability to analyze, criticize, and express ideas concisely in English. The course introduces the essay writing skills at the college level. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to plan, organize and express ideas effectively and in grammatically correct sentences. In the process of preparing and practicing their presentation, student’s effective presentation skills will be developed and their cross-cultural competence can be boosted.

SUSTech English II (SE II) is the second course in the Center for Language Education core curriculum. It builds upon the skills introduced in SUSTech English I or further develops skills which students already have. The skills targeted in SUSTech English II will be needed in future courses. The course not only introduces the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for fluent English communication, but also includes cross-cultural skills and language study skills to assist students to have a success in their learning of the content courses instructed in English language. It aims to help students construct their English language knowledge and skills under the guidance of their English teachers, and more importantly through their practice both in class and after class. By the end of the course, their English proficiency should be able to reach the upper intermediate level (CEFR B2/IELTS 5-6/TOEFL 87-100). The writing and presentation included in the assessment aim to develop students’ ability to analyze, criticize, and express ideas concisely in English. The course introduces the essay writing skills at the college level. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to plan, organize and express ideas effectively and in grammatically correct sentences. In the process of preparing and practicing their presentation, student’s effective presentation skills will be developed and their cross-cultural competence can be boosted.
user avatar   匿名用户     2023秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:一般


user avatar   Grazioso_     2023秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多

  掉课后唯一能选的老师 因为是外聘的 今年第一次在妮可讲课 没有过学长评价 所以也是开盲盒的心态去选的 一开始还是比较慌

But!真的很好。强大的控场能力能让我们很快熟悉他讲课的节奏,课堂气氛是轻松自由的,不会死板按照教学任务来讲,会拓展很多东西related to foreign culture(真的从他讲课内容和方式能直接体验到文化差异)。给分是非常宽松的,而且下课后去问问题也会给你耐心解答,不卡成绩。学了一学期还是挺感慨的 ,如果他也能教SEIII就好了♡´・ᴗ・`♡(and很有意思 他会邀请学生跟他在课间切磋国象)

user avatar   Jentelopey     2023秋
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多





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Michael Pollock-外聘


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