SUSTech English III

(Conrad Herrera)CLE0232023春  
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选课类别:专业任务 教学语言:英文
课程类别:通识必修课 开课单位:语言中心
课程层次:本科 获得学分:4.0
SUSTech English III (SE III) is the third and advanced course of SUSTech English in the Center for Language Education’s core curriculum. Moving beyond the basic and intermediate skills, SUSTech English III pushes into advanced levels. It also aims to prepare students for the academic writing course, English for Academic Purposes. SUSTech English III further enhances learner’s ability to comprehend reading and listening materials through interactions with more complex and culturally diverse materials. Through individual presentations, students are introduced to concepts of researching, paraphrasing and citations. They present findings from literature exploration in an academic manner. Moreover, students engage in thought-provoking discussion on current topics, via which students acquire significant discussion skills and critical thinking capability. Writing assignments include more advanced essays. Informative writing and argumentative writing are incorporated in the course to reinforce students’ skills of writing a thesis statement and expressing one’s own voice in written language. The weighting of process in writing assignments and constructive feedback from both peers and instructors support the cultivation of intellectual character among students, paving their way to enter the academic community of practice.

SUSTech English III (SE III) is the third and advanced course of SUSTech English in the Center for Language Education’s core curriculum. Moving beyond the basic and intermediate skills, SUSTech English III pushes into advanced levels. It also aims to prepare students for the academic writing course, English for Academic Purposes. SUSTech English III further enhances learner’s ability to comprehend reading and listening materials through interactions with more complex and culturally diverse materials. Through individual presentations, students are introduced to concepts of researching, paraphrasing and citations. They present findings from literature exploration in an academic manner. Moreover, students engage in thought-provoking discussion on current topics, via which students acquire significant discussion skills and critical thinking capability. Writing assignments include more advanced essays. Informative writing and argumentative writing are incorporated in the course to reinforce students’ skills of writing a thesis statement and expressing one’s own voice in written language. The weighting of process in writing assignments and constructive feedback from both peers and instructors support the cultivation of intellectual character among students, paving their way to enter the academic community of practice.
user avatar   Denise_Thompson     2023春
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很多
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:一般

作业爆多,但是基本上课上会给时间完成。 期中没有给一个很准确的给分标准,只是在期中之前带着写了几篇,所以我们班20分没人拿满,拿去argue才会告诉你问题在哪,这点还是不如英语二的中教。 感觉Conrad的课的有趣程度和同学积极性很挂钩,我们班没几个人会回答问题搭理他,整个学期非常坐牢……

user avatar   Jermaine_Yates     2023春
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很多
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:一般

Conrad老师人超好,但是英语III大纲超烂,而第一次授课英语III,conrad老师完全按照大纲去走,于是有了30篇listening journal,2篇book review,2次pre,1篇essay的assignment。虽然任务超多,但是给分超好,除了期中期末要按规定看个人完成度评分,其他的assignment基本都给满了,帮助我英语3满绩。只能说慎报,作业会比较多但分也很高。

user avatar   Danielle_Griffith     2023春
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很多
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:没有





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